Bridging the Gap: Teaching Methods that Support Students with Special Educational Needs


  • Rahmonqulova Kamola Muzaffar qizi Автор

Ключевые слова:

Keywords: Special educational needs (SEN), Inclusive education, Differentiated instruction, Universal design for learning, Assistive technology, Collaborative teaching, Equity in education, 21st century learning


Abstract: Inclusive education has become a critical priority in school systems around the world, as educators strive to ensure that all students, including those with special educational needs (SEN), are provided with the necessary support and accommodations to reach their full potential. This paper examines the innovative teaching methods and evidence-based practices that have proven effective in bridging the learning gaps for SEN students in the 21st century classroom. From differentiated instruction and universal design for learning to assistive technologies and collaborative teaching models, these strategies empower educators to create learning environments that are accessible, engaging, and responsive to the diverse needs of all learners. By exploring the implementation and impact of these transformative approaches, this paper offers valuable insights for school administrators, teachers, and policymakers committed to fostering inclusive, equitable, and high-quality education for students with special educational needs.

Биография автора

  • Rahmonqulova Kamola Muzaffar qizi

    Student of Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute



Как цитировать

Bridging the Gap: Teaching Methods that Support Students with Special Educational Needs. (2024). Yangi O’zbekiston Taraqqiyotida Tadqiqotlarni o’rni Va Rivojlanish Omillari, 8(2), 318-324.