Analysis of profit before tax and factors affecting its change


  • Khojiyev Jakhongir Dushabayevich Автор
  • Burxonov Shakhzod Mahmud oʻgʻli Автор

Ключевые слова:

Taxes, benefits, public goods, tax policy, economic development, social welfare.


This article examines the advantages of taxation and the various factors influencing changes in the tax system. Through comprehensive analysis, the research aims to shed light on the significance of taxes and provide insights into how policymakers can adapt tax systems to meet evolving social needs.

Биографии авторов

  • Khojiyev Jakhongir Dushabayevich

    Tashkent State University of Economics, associate professor of the "Finance and Financial Technologies" department

  • Burxonov Shakhzod Mahmud oʻgʻli

    Tashkent State University of Economics, student of the "Finance and Financial Technologies" department



Как цитировать

Analysis of profit before tax and factors affecting its change. (2024). Yangi O’zbekiston Taraqqiyotida Tadqiqotlarni o’rni Va Rivojlanish Omillari, 12(2), 189-193.