Zahiriddin Mukhammad Bobur


  • Yusubova Oqibatxon Donyorbek qizi Автор

Ключевые слова:

Key word: history, Zahiriddin Mukhammad Bobur, India, father, Amir Temur, Boburids, architectual objects, Kobul


Annotation: The article discusses the life and work of Zahiriddin Mukhammad Bobur. Since the Timurid Empire was disintegrated after the death of Amir Timur, Bobur, a descendant of the Timurids, wanted to restore it.  However, as the result of many failures in the battles, he created a new Empire  of Baburids in India.  Along with being a king, Bobur also worked as a poet.  We have inherited many of his works dedicated to his country.

Биография автора

  • Yusubova Oqibatxon Donyorbek qizi

    Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages 2nd grade student of Philology and language teaching (English Language)



Как цитировать

Zahiriddin Mukhammad Bobur. (2024). Yangi O’zbekiston Taraqqiyotida Tadqiqotlarni o’rni Va Rivojlanish Omillari, 7(5), 50-52.