Kalit so‘zlar: qishloq xo‘jaligi, chorvachilik, yaylov yerlari, mahsuldorlik, ekologik vaziyat, yem-xashak zaxirasi., Key words: agriculture, animal husbandry, pasture lands, productivity, ecological situation, fodder stock.Abstract
Annotatsiya: Maqolada chorvachilik tarmog‘ini rivojlantirishda yaylov yerlarining ahamiyati, yaylovlardan samarali foydalanish uchun zarur bo‘lgan ilmiy-texnikaviy yondashuvlar, agrar siyosat, hayvonlarni boqish usullari va tabiiy muhitni saqlashga oid amaliy tavsiyalar, chorvachilikning rivojlanishini ta'minlashda yaylovlardan optimal foydalanishning ahamiyatini tushuntirish va uning iqtisodiy samaradorligini oshirishga qaratilgan amaliy yechimlar hamda O‘zbekistonda yaylov yerlarining holati va mahsuldorligi hamda ulardan kelajakda samarali foydalanishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari bayon qilingan.
Abstract: The article explains the importance of pastures in the development of the livestock sector, the scientific and technical approaches necessary for the effective use of pastures, practical recommendations on agrarian policy, methods of feeding animals and the preservation of the natural environment, the importance of optimal use of pastures in ensuring the development of livestock breeding, and practical solutions aimed at increasing its economic efficiency, as well as the state and productivity of pasture lands in Uzbekistan, as well as the priority directions for their effective use in the future done