The structure of Russian and Uzbek intonation and its peculiarities in pronunciation


  • Farhodova Shahzoda Umidovna Автор
  • Umarova Oyzoda Solijonovna Автор

Ключевые слова:

intonation, syllable, approaches, formation of speech, phonetic means, combination of sounds, characteristics, written and oral speech.


Intonation is inherent in speech from the beginning of its origin. But it is difficult to answer the question when it was noticed, when it became the object of scientific study and why, without knowledge of the history of science. Intonation first of all interested the theorists of oratory in ancient times. The speaker should be able to speak clearly,  so that everyone understands what he is talking about.

Биографии авторов

  • Farhodova Shahzoda Umidovna

    Teacher of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign


  • Umarova Oyzoda Solijonovna

    Teacher of Samarkand State University

    named after Sharof  Rashido

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi



Как цитировать

The structure of Russian and Uzbek intonation and its peculiarities in pronunciation. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 3(3), 84-87.