Masofaviy ta’limning o’quvchilar uchun afzallikari va kamchiliklari


  • Holiqova Dilnoza Sirojiddinovna Автор

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In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of distance education for students are extensively analyzed. With the development of distance learning technologies, significant changes have taken place in the education system and have provided students with the opportunity to study classes from their place. The article examines the advantages of distance learning, such as flexibility, wide access to resources, and the development of technical skills, as well as the disadvantages, such as technical difficulties, reduced motivation, and limited communication opportunities. These analyzes serve to understand how distance education affects students and to find ways to organize it more effectively., Distance education, motivation, adaptability, skills, competence


Mazkur maqolada masofaviy ta’limning o‘quvchilar uchun afzalliklari va kamchiliklari keng tahlil qilingan. Masofaviy ta'lim texnologiyalari rivojlanishi bilan ta'lim tizimida muhim o‘zgarishlar yuz berdi va o‘quvchilarga darslarni o‘z joyidan turib o‘rganish imkoniyatini taqdim etdi. Maqolada masofaviy ta’limning moslashuvchanlik, resurslarga keng kirish imkoniyati va texnik ko‘nikmalar rivojlanishiga yordam berishi kabi afzalliklari, shuningdek, texnik qiyinchiliklar, motivatsiyaning pasayishi va muloqot imkoniyatlarining cheklanishi kabi kamchiliklari o‘rganiladi. Ushbu tahlillar masofaviy ta'limning o‘quvchilar uchun qanday ta’sir ko‘rsatayotganini anglash va uni yanada samarali tashkil etish yo‘llarini topishga xizmat qiladi.

In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of distance education for students are extensively analyzed. With the development of distance learning technologies, significant changes have taken place in the education system and have provided students with the opportunity to study classes from their place. The article examines the advantages of distance learning, such as flexibility, wide access to resources, and the development of technical skills, as well as the disadvantages, such as technical difficulties, reduced motivation, and limited communication opportunities. These analyzes serve to understand how distance education affects students and to find ways to organize it more effectively.

Биография автора

  • Holiqova Dilnoza Sirojiddinovna

    Navoiy davlat pedagogika instituti “Ta’lim va tarbiya nazariyasi va metodikasi” yo’nalishi  tayanch doktaranti



Как цитировать

Masofaviy ta’limning o’quvchilar uchun afzallikari va kamchiliklari. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 13(1), 64-69.