Ключевые слова:
sivilizatsiya, intellektual daraja, teologik ta’limot, parlament, ratifikatsiya, start-up loyihalar, innovatsion programmalar, chempionlar, strategik resurslar., civilization, intellectual level, theological teaching, parliament, ratification, start-up projects, innovative programs, champions, strategic resources.Аннотация
Ushbu maqolada bugungi zamonaviy jamiyatning ilmli, zukko, o‘z o‘rniga ega bo‘lgan va ziyoli yoshlari haqida asosiy fikr, mulohazalar tasvirlangan. Shuningdek, aynan hozirgi davrda yoshlarning ya’ni kelajak avlodning o‘z salohiyatini namoyon qilishi uchun zarur shart-sharoitlar amalga oshirilayotgani hamda O‘zbekistonda yoshlar davlat siyosatining eng ustuvor yo‘nalishlaridan biri ekanligi haqida ma’lumotlar keltiriladi.
This article describes the main thoughts and opinions about the knowledgeable, intelligent, influential and intelligent youth of today's modern society. Also, information is provided that the necessary conditions are being implemented for the youth, i.e. the future generation, to show their potential, and that youth is one of the most priority directions of the state policy in Uzbekistan.