Pedagogika bu shaxs tarbiyasi va uning rivojlanishi to'g'risida
Ключевые слова:
pedagogika, maqsad, vazifa, obyekt, predmet, kategoriya, pedagogikaning sohalari, pegagika fani metodologiyasi, ilmiy-tadqiqot metodlari., pedagogy, goal, task, object, subject, category, fields of pedagogy, methodology of pedagogical science, scientific research methodsАннотация
«Pedagogika tarixi» kursi pedagogikaning alohida. sohasi sifatida pedagogik fikrlaming paydo bo‘lishi va rivojlanishini o‘rganish orqali yangi, istiqbolda hal etilishi lozim bo'lgan vazifalami belgilab beradi hamda uni hal etish strategiyalarini ko‘rsatib beradi. U eng qadimgi davrlardan 0 ‘zbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligi e’lon qilingandan keyingi davrda pedagogik fikrlar va ta’lim tizimining rivojlanishi hamda eng qadimgi davrlardan hozirgi kungacha jahon mamlakatlarida tarbiya, ta’lim va pedagogik fikrlar rivojiga doir masalalami o ‘zida aks ettirgan.
"History of Pedagogy" course is a special part of pedagogy. By studying the emergence and development of pedagogical thinking as a field, it defines a new task that needs to be solved in the future and shows strategies for solving it. It reflects the development of pedagogical ideas and educational system from the earliest times to the period after the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as issues related to the development of education, education and pedagogical ideas in the countries of the world from the earliest times to the present day.