Development of listening comprehension competence in primary school students.


  • Bibimariyam Rasulova Murod kizi Author
  • Mustafayeva Nilufar Author


Listening comprehension, primary school students, strategies, education, literacy, language development.


This article delves into the crucial aspect of developing competence in listening comprehension among primary school students. With a focus on effective strategies and insights drawn from literature analysis, methods, results, and discussions, this piece aims to provide educators with actionable approaches to foster better listening skills in young learners.

Author Biographies

  • Bibimariyam Rasulova Murod kizi

    Termiz University of Economics and Service

    Supervisor is a Doctor of Philosophy

    in Pedagogical Sciences,associate professor

  • Mustafayeva Nilufar

    Termiz University of Economics and Service

    Supervisor is a Doctor of Philosophy

    in Pedagogical Sciences,associate professor

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi




How to Cite

Development of listening comprehension competence in primary school students. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 7(3), 171-174.