Capturing Minds: Interactive Approaches in Teaching Grammar


  • Mirag'zamova Oysha Mirsherzod qizi Author


Effectively teaching grammar not only requires focusing on the rules but also acknowledging its significance in academic, journalistic, and everyday communication styles


Have you ever struggled with grammar while learning English, making numerous mistakes in speaking or writing? Firstly, what is grammar itself? In language education, teaching grammar traditionally involves repetition and memorization, leaving students with a superficial understanding. However, the evolving landscape of education demands dynamic and interactive methods to captivate students' attention towards the nuances of grammar

Author Biography

  • Mirag'zamova Oysha Mirsherzod qizi

    Faculty of English Language and Literature, Uzbekistan State World Languages University,

    Tashkent, Uzbekistan,

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi



How to Cite

Capturing Minds: Interactive Approaches in Teaching Grammar. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 3(3), 127-131.