
  • Ahmedov Azimjon Ilkhomovich Автор
  • Jumaboyeva Mohiraxon Автор
  • A’zamova Mohidiloy Автор

Ключевые слова:

Translation units, translation shifts, segmentation, semantic integrity, cultural adaptation, grammatical changes, context sensitivity.


Understanding translation units and shifts is essential for achieving accurate and culturally sensitive translations. Translation units are the smallest segments of text that carry complete meaning, varying in size from single words to entire sentences depending on context. Effective segmentation, guided by lexical and grammatical considerations, ensures semantic integrity and coherence. Translation shifts refer to the changes made during translation to preserve meaning, stylistic elements, and cultural nuances. These shifts include level shifts, where a concept moves across linguistic levels; category shifts, such as structure and class changes; unit shifts, where the rank changes; and intra-system shifts, addressing grammatical differences. Cultural and stylistic shifts adapt the text to the target audience's norms and expectations, ensuring relevance and impact. Understanding and managing these units and shifts highlight the translator's role in bridging linguistic and cultural divides, emphasizing the complexity and precision required in the translation process.

Биографии авторов

  • Ahmedov Azimjon Ilkhomovich

    The  teacher of Andijan State Institute ofForeign Languages

  • Jumaboyeva Mohiraxon

    the student of Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages.

  • A’zamova Mohidiloy

    the student of Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages.

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi



Как цитировать

UNDERSTANDING TRANSLATION UNITS AND SHIFTS. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 8(2), 179-186. http://pedagoglar.org/index.php/03/article/view/3465