
  • Umaraliyeva Munojatkhan Mashrabovna Автор
  • Olimjonova Sohiba Haytaliʼs doughter Автор
  • Sultonova Dilrabo Iqboljonʼs doughter Автор

Ключевые слова:

Personal, pissesive, demonstrative,refleksive, percone, replace.


Ushbu maqola bizga olmoshlarning grammatik shakillarini va ularni gapda qanday qoʻllashni tasvirlab bayon etadi. Olmoshlarning shakillarini va ularni qanday tasniflashni,  koʻplik va birlikka ajiratishni, turlarini yoritib beradi.

This article describes the grammatical forms of pronouns and how to use them in a sentence. Explains the forms of pronouns and how to classify them, distinguish them into plural and singular, types.

В этой статье описаны грамматические формы местоимений и способы их использования в предложении. Объясняет формы местоимений и способы их классификации, разделения на множественное и единственное число.

Биографии авторов

  • Umaraliyeva Munojatkhan Mashrabovna

    Teacher of the Faculty of English Language and Literature of Fergana State University

    4th grade students of the Faculty of English Language and Literature of Fergana State University

  • Olimjonova Sohiba Haytaliʼs doughter

    Teacher of the Faculty of English Language and Literature of Fergana State University

    4th grade students of the Faculty of English Language and Literature of Fergana State University

  • Sultonova Dilrabo Iqboljonʼs doughter

    Teacher of the Faculty of English Language and Literature of Fergana State University

    4th grade students of the Faculty of English Language and Literature of Fergana State University

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi



Как цитировать

THE CATAHORY OF PRONOUNS. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 6(3), 102-108.