Chingiz Aitmatov’s life and the importance of novels


  • Akhmedova Nozimakhon Author


book, novel, works, creativity, globalization, literary critic, stories, philosophy, книга, роман, произведения, творчество, глобализация, литературный критик, рассказы, философия.


This article talks about the life and work of the famous writer Chingiz Aitmatov, his works and some of his works. In addition, the work contains an analysis of some of the famous works written by the author

В данной статье рассказывается о жизни и творчестве известного писателя Чингиза Айтматова, его творчестве и некоторых его произведениях. Кроме того, в работе содержится анализ некоторых известных произведений, написанных автором.

Author Biography

  • Akhmedova Nozimakhon

    State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan

    Fergana regional fillet

    Department of “Instrumental performance and musical theoretical sciences”.

    Professional education: 3rd stage student of “Instrumental performance”.

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi




How to Cite

Chingiz Aitmatov’s life and the importance of novels. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 5(1), 135-138.