Exploring the Poetic Themes of Aleksander Feinberg


  • Temirboyeva Muaddat Author


Tabiat, sevgi, urush, mavjudlik, jamiyat, mulohaza., Nature, Love, War, Existence, Society, Reflection.


Taniqli rus shoiri Aleksandr Faynberg (1921-2007) XX asrning shov-shuvli oqimlarini boshqargan she'riy merosni yaratdi.  Ushbu maqolada Faynbergning she'riyat olami hamda she'rlarida murojaat qilgan asosiy mavzulari haqida so'z yuritiladi.  Tabiat, sevgi,  mavjudlik, urush munozaralari shoirning insoniy kechinmalari orqali ajoyib tarzda yoritib berilgan.

The famous Russian poet Alexander Feinberg (1921-2007) created a poetic legacy that led the turbulent currents of the 20th century.  This article discusses the world of Feinberg's poetry and the main themes addressed in his poems.  Discussions of nature, love, existence, and war are brilliantly illuminated through the poet's human experiences.

Author Biography

  • Temirboyeva Muaddat

    Student, UzSWLU, Tashkent , Uzbekistan

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi




How to Cite

Exploring the Poetic Themes of Aleksander Feinberg. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 5(1), 55-57. http://pedagoglar.org/index.php/03/article/view/782