Structural Differences in Abbreviation Usage in Simultaneous Interpretation (Acronyms)


  • Laylo Khudayberdieva Author


Simultaneous interpretation, Abbreviation usage, Clippings, English-Russian translation, Political discourse, Interpretation strategies, Linguistic structure, Cultural context, Real-time translation, Interpreter training, Cross-linguistic communication, Translation challenges, Terminology management.


This article explores the structural differences in the usage of abbreviations and clippings during simultaneous interpretation from English to Russian in the context of political discourse. By analyzing interpreter strategies and considering linguistic structures, cultural contexts, and real-time constraints, the study reveals distinct approaches to handling English clippings and abbreviations. The findings highlight variations in usage frequency, adaptation strategies, and the influence of political context. This research contributes to the understanding of linguistic strategies in simultaneous interpretation, offering insights for improving interpreter training and enhancing cross-linguistic political communication.

Author Biography

  • Laylo Khudayberdieva

    MA student

    Uzbekistan State University of World Languages

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi



How to Cite

Structural Differences in Abbreviation Usage in Simultaneous Interpretation (Acronyms). (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 8(5), 28-32.