Building a World-Class Teaching System: Applying Foreign Experiences in Uzbekistan


  • Nilufar Giyazova Shoir qizi Author


higher education, quality assurance, standards, foreign experience, curriculum development, faculty development, internationalization, innovation, Uzbekistan


This paper explores the importance of applying foreign experience in enhancing quality and standards in higher education organizations, focusing on its implications for Uzbekistan's higher education system. Drawing upon international best practices and experiences, the paper examines key strategies for improving quality and standards in higher education, including establishing quality assurance mechanisms, curriculum development and review, and faculty development programs. By learning from successful models abroad, Uzbekistan's higher education institutions can enhance their credibility, relevance, and effectiveness in delivering high-quality education. The paper highlights the benefits of adopting foreign experience, such as improved accreditation, curriculum relevance, faculty expertise, and ultimately, enhanced student outcomes. By implementing these practices, higher education organizations (HEOs) can contribute to the country's socio-economic development and global competitiveness.

Author Biography

  • Nilufar Giyazova Shoir qizi

     Tashkent State University of Economics EGP, ESP teacher.

    Email address:

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi




How to Cite

Building a World-Class Teaching System: Applying Foreign Experiences in Uzbekistan. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 7(1), 103-108.