Need and important of well planned lesson plan


  • Umaraliyeva Munojatxon Mashrabovna Author
  • Mashrabjonova Diyora Kholmatjon's daughter Author
  • Ozodjonov Yunusali Orifjon's son Author


problems, solutions, second language, first language, vocabulary,assessment, content, students gain,insights


The aim of the article is In the field of education, interdependence of teaching, learning and testing is   recognized. The first step in the teaching-learning process is defining and  determining the objectives of learning and the outcomes to be expected from  classroom instruction. In the light of these processes, the main reliance is  placed on tests which are constructed by teachers.

В образовании признается взаимозависимость преподавания, обучения и оценки. Первым шагом в образовательном процессе является определение и определение целей обучения и результатов обучения в классе. Учитывая эти процессы, основное внимание уделяется тестам, созданным учителями.

Ta'lim sohasida o'qitish, o'rganish va tekshirishning o'zaro bog'liqligi e'tirof etiladi. Ta'lim-tarbiya jarayonidagi birinchi qadam o'quv maqsadlarini va sinfda o'qitishdan kutiladigan natijalarni belgilash va aniqlashdir. Ushbu jarayonlarni hisobga olgan holda, asosiy e'tibor o'qituvchilar tomonidan tuziladigan testlarga qaratiladi.

Author Biographies

  • Umaraliyeva Munojatxon Mashrabovna

    Fergana State University Faculty of English Language and


                Literature senior teacher of the Department of


              English Language Teaching Methodology


  • Mashrabjonova Diyora Kholmatjon's daughter

    Fergana State University, Faculty of English Language and Literature

    4th grade students +998910771122 +998905342824

  • Ozodjonov Yunusali Orifjon's son

    Fergana State University, Faculty of English Language and Literature


    4th grade students +998910771122 +998905342824

ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi




How to Cite

Need and important of well planned lesson plan. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 6(3), 90-95.