Intensive methods of teaching phonetic aspects of the English language in secondary school


  • Do’stbekova Nigina Ravshanovna Author
  • Eshmurodova Dildor Urolovna Author


Articulation, Pronunciation, Drill, Repetition, Phonemic awareness, IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), Minimal pair, Auditory discrimination Phonetic transcription, Phonetic symbols.


In order to acquire precise pronunciation and effective communication abilities, language learners must receive effective phonetics education. This study investigates intense phonetic teaching strategies designed to improve learners' language learning. By employing an amalgamation of immersive methods, including as aural, visual, and kinesthetic approaches, students actively participate in order to enhance their comprehension and proficiency of phonetic ideas. The effectiveness of these rigorous strategies in enhancing learners' phonetic accuracy, fluency, and confidence in spoken language is assessed in this study. The findings demonstrate the ability of intense phonetics education to accelerate language learning processes, as evidenced by the significant improvements in phonetic competency and total language acquisition. There is discussion on the implications for educators and curriculum developers, with a focus on the significance of incorporating.

Author Biographies

  • Do’stbekova Nigina Ravshanovna

    Master of Termiz University of Economics and Service

  • Eshmurodova Dildor Urolovna


ta'limning zamonaviy tronsformatsiyasi




How to Cite

Intensive methods of teaching phonetic aspects of the English language in secondary school. (2024). Ta’limning Zamonaviy Transformatsiyasi, 9(1), 3-7.