Integrating Task-Based Instruction with Other Teaching Approaches


  • Maftuna Abdurasulova Author


Task-Based Instruction, Integrative Teaching Approaches, Language Learning, Communicative Competence, Content-Based Instruction, Project-Based Learning, Language Skills Development


This study explores the integration of Task-Based Instruction (TBI) with other teaching approaches to enhance language learning outcomes. TBI, known for its focus on real-world tasks and communicative competence, is examined in conjunction with traditional grammar-focused instruction, content-based instruction (CBI), and project-based learning (PBL). The research investigates how these combined methods influence the development of language skills, learner motivation, and overall classroom dynamics. Results indicate that an integrated approach can offer a balanced development of fluency and accuracy, while also catering to diverse learner needs.

Author Biography

  • Maftuna Abdurasulova

    Student at Uzbekistan state world languages university

Yangi O'zbekiston taraqqiyotida tadqiqotlarni o'rni va rivojlanish omillari




How to Cite

Integrating Task-Based Instruction with Other Teaching Approaches. (2024). Yangi O’zbekiston Taraqqiyotida Tadqiqotlarni o’rni Va Rivojlanish Omillari, 11(1), 25-38.